Deep Vein Thrombosis – Early detection is your best cure

Deep Vein Thrombosis

What is Deep Vein Thrombosis

Deep vein thrombosis is a blood clot that begins in a vein deep within the body. Deep vein thrombosis is a type of venous disease when one’s blood thickens and clumps together, blood clots begin to occur. In most cases, deep vein blood clots occur in a person’s thigh or leg. It is has been found that when blood clots are in the thighs, they are more likely to break off and cause a pulmonary embolism and that can be dangerous because it can damage a person’s lungs and in some cases, cause death.

What Causes Deep Vein Thrombosis?

There are various causes of a deep vein thrombosis such as a vein being damaged, a person’s blood flow being slow or a person’s blood being thicker and more likely to clot than with blood that has a normal thickness.

There are certain factors that increases the risks of deep vein thrombosis such as:

  • Having an inherited blood disorder or being on hormone therapy or birth control pills

  • A medical history of vein problems

  • Having an injury to a deep vein from a traumatic experience

  • Ongoing or recent treatment for cancer

  • Being pregnant or six weeks after giving birth

  • Being older

  • Being overweight

  • Smoking

 Symptoms of Deep Vein Thrombosis

Deep Vein ThrombosisThere are certain signs and symptoms of Deep Vein Thrombosis such as: pain or tenderness in your leg, noticing an increase of warmth in your leg, seeing a swelling in your leg or noticing a redness or change of color in your legs.

 Sometimes a deep vein clot is not discovered until they have symptoms of pulmonary embolism. Symptoms of PE include shortness of breath, pain with when breathing deeply and coughing up blood.

Diagnosis of Deep Vein Thrombosis?

Deep vein thrombosis is diagnosed by a doctor. He will examine your legs to see if they are swollen or red and will go over your medical history with you so that a clear diagnosis and an effective treatment plan can be made for you. During the examination, your doctor will carefully examine your legs to see if they are swollen or red. Your doctor will also check your blood pressure, your lungs and heart. Another test that some doctors give when diagnosing this illness is a Sonography (Vascular ultrasound). This is an especially helpful test because the sound waves from the ultrasound reveal how the blood is flowing through your arteries and veins.


Should I treat Deep Vein Thrombosis?

Deep Vein Thrombosis pose an immediate risk of pieces of clot breaking off and reaching to the heart or the lungs, leading to parts of the lung dying off which can be potentially fatal. The long term complications may cause patients to have clots in the veins and even after they are cleared off, the veins do not function properly. Sometimes the problems progress to skin changes and ulcers. The medical term for this condition is Chronic Venous Insufficiency, which means the veins are not working well to bring the blood back from the legs to the heart.


Deep Vein Thrombosis Treatment options

Deep vein thrombosis is treated with certain therapies, medicines, and other treatment methods. There are certain goals when treating this health condition such as: stopping the blood clot from becoming bigger, preventing the blood clot from breaking off and lessening your chances of developing another blood clot. Medicines that are often given for this condition are blood thinners. If medication is not suitable for you, other types of treatment include a Vena Cava filter,  This filter prevents clots that break loose from traveling to your lungs. The use of compression stockings and an over the counter compression hose can create gentle pressure to help prevent swelling and keeps the blood from clotting.

Deep vein thrombosis can be prevented several ways such as: seeing your doctor for regular checkups, exercising your lower leg muscles during long trips, getting out of bed and moving around soon after surgery, and taking medicine your doctor prescribes for you. In addition, when traveling be sure to keep moving your legs and stretching your feet in order to keep the blood flow moving. Also, when on a long journey ride on the bus, train or airplane, be sure to walk up and down the aisles now and then. Wearing loose and comfortable clothing also helps when traveling; as well as drinking plenty of fluids. Prevention and early treatment are the most effective ways of handling this illness.

Find out more about Deep Vein Thrombosis and Treatment options

Our doctor regularly conducts free public educational forums at his clinic. Contact us  now if you will like to be informed about the next forum or make an appointment with our doctor for a consultation

Why choose treatments by our doctor?

Being among the few vascular and endovascular trained surgeons in Singapore, our doctor can provide comprehensive services from diagnosis to treatment. Our vein clinic always adopts the latest minimally invasive technology to reduce the recovery of our patients. During the assessment of your deep vein thrombosis, our clinic will conduct a sonography (vascular ultrasound) examination to diagnose for issues in the veins hidden deeper in your legs. This can be done onsite during the same consultation as he is able to do the ultrasound personally instead of making another appointment with a technician. This allows our doctor to explain the results to you immediately and prescribe a customised treatment for you that is best suited for your body and preferences.

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290 Orchard Road, #19-01 Paragon, Singapore 238859

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Monday through Friday
9.00 am to 5.30 pm

9.00 am to 12.30 pm

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